Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 new year wishes

So I found this - apparently I never got to the point of posting it a year ago but I am now because I love that my wishes for 2015 happened! 

Dear 2014,
Thanks for a great year - yes there was some bad weeks but all in all a great and growing year for the whole family. This year was packed full for the Bobby's: 1 new kindergardener, 1 baltimore aquarium trip (my fav), 1 alumni football game played, 1 hospital trip, 0 broken bones, 2 almost potty trained, a few viruses that didn't turn for the worse, 2 new kittens, 1 bigger fish tank, 1 big sandbox, 1 snowman, 1 new floor, 1 bathroom remodel, some new friends, lots of play time, lots of laughter & caffeine & beer to get us through the tough times, and (of course) each other through thick and thin. Dear 2015 - please bring a daylight shift for Jonathan, a healthy family, and some more happy times.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Peppermint Beeswax Lip Balm

I get really chapped lips, as does my kids, so we always have lip gloss in hand it seems. My twins thought this was candy and if I didn't watch, it was all over them and the floor, the couch, you name it! So then I started to worry about what was in the lip balm and checked out pinterest. Seemed simple enough to make naturally. My first trial was not good at all - it was more beeswax and no shea/cocoa butter - it worked but was super hard. So I tried again, reading up on several mixes online and making it work for us. Hope you enjoy.

The Mix:
1.5 tbsp. Beeswax
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1 tbsp. Shea or cocoa butter
2 tbsp. Sweet almond oil (or Hazelnut oil)
10 drops Vitamin E oil
* 20 or more drops of Peppermint essential oil
* 2 tsp cocoa powder
* 2 tsp honey
* optional item

Don't forget something to put the balm in. This makes a nice consistency for little round containers with lids. you can also make it with a bit more beeswax and less other oil to put into tubes. It depends on your size on container how many you will make. Mine were 5 gram plastic round ones I found on amazon. it makes about 10-20 depending on what I'm messing with that day.

I make this using a crockpot I picked up cheap on Black Friday. You can also use a double boiler or microwave.

I have tried this with Shea butter with and without cocoa powder (for the chocolate minty taste). and the same with cocoa butter. I tend to like the Shea with cocoa best - as do my kids.

The directions:

Step 1:
Throw the beeswax in the crock and let melt. This takes while depending on the wax - I hear pellets melt faster but mine came from a local bee keeper. One this part is done, the rest goes fast.

Step 2:
Add coconut oil, Shea or cocoa butter, and vitamin E. Note: if using cocoa make sure you move when it's melted as it can overlook.
Step 3:
If you are adding fragrance oil, cocoa powder, or honey now is the time. the powder and honey can settle so you want to mix, pour, mix pour, etc as you are pouring your balm into the containers.
Step 4:
Pour into containers and let set up until it looks and feels hard. When I'm impatient I put them in the freezer to set up ;)
Voila - lip balm - mix and match to make it work for you. other oils that are tasty you can do as well.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Oatmeal lotion bars

I Who knew lotion can be a bar! I was very excited to try this. I work on computers all day and putting on lotion seems to never happen when I'm there but I have really dry hands so this looked like something to try. I've tried this recipe a few ways - so far with Shea and oatmeal is my favorite. I also get eczema on my fingers and this is very helpful in keeping it under control.

The Mix:
1/4 cup of beeswax (4tbs, 2oz same thing)
1/4 cup Shea butter or cocoa butter 
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tsp vitamin E oil
* 1 tbsp of ground oats
* 10 or so drops of fragrance oil

I make this using a crockpot I picked up cheap on Black Friday. You can also use a double boiler or microwave. 

The directions:

Step 1:
Throw the beeswax in the crock  and let melt. This takes while depending on the wax - I hear pellets melt faster but mine came from a local bee keeper. Once this part is done, the rest goes fast.

Step 2:
Add coconut oil, Shea or cocoa butter, and vitamin E. Note: if using cocoa make sure you move when it's melted as it can overcook. 

Step 3:
If you are adding fragrance oil or oats now is the time. I have old fashion oats that I threw in a food processor to grind up as fine as I can get. I then mixed these in. When pouring the molds the larger pieces fell to the bottom and made it like an exfoliating lotion bar on one side.

Step 4:
Pour into molds. I use silicon ones for ease. When I'm impatient I put them in the freezer to set up ;)
Voila - lotion bars. I have also swapped in some almond oil and/or hazelnut oil for part of the coconut oil- these are great for eczema and sensitive skin. 


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Brown Sugar Scrub

So about two years ago I was introduced to sugar scrub. Once I found out what it was and how to use it - I loved it and had to have more. So I did what I always do: read the basic recipes, did a few trial and errors and altered it to make it work well for eczema and sensitive skin. Voila! You have my recipe below! This makes a sugar cookie smell :) but you can always alter and make it work for you.

The Mix:
2 tsp almond oil
2 tsp hazelnut oil
2 tbs coconut oil
1/3 white sugar
2/3 brown sugar
1/4 tsp honey
10 drops vitamin E oil
7 drops vanilla oil 

Makes 8 oz of sugar scrub.
Note: I like mine with all brown sugar sometimes too!

How to mix:
Step 1: Melt the coconut oil.
Step 2: mix the oils together 
Step 3: put sugar mix in the container you want
Step 4: pour oils over the sugar

From here you can either let gravity make it happen or mix away. Voila you have sugar scrub ;)

How to use: 
If you are in a colder climate - warm before use or the coconut oil will be hard. I throw mine in the bottom of the tub during a shower and use at the end - it warms it up perfect. I like plastic lidded containers for this reason.
Then mix up if needed and rub on then rinse off and pat dry.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Addison and Jacob – The Beginning

I found this and could not resist sharing on here. We put this note in with the birth announcements of the twins. As the twins are being drawn to be added to a book of NICU babies and their birthday approaches, so many memories come flooding back. So to celebrate their 3rd birthday in 2 days and to not forget their journey, here is the story of Addison and Jacob - the Beginning.

Addison and Jacob – The Beginning
When we decided that it was time to have another baby and give Madalyn a playmate we never expected the surprise we would be in for at my seven week appointment. When the sonogram technician said 'I have some news' all I could think was 'I already know I'm pregnant.' When she said 'it's twins!' I was in happy shock for weeks. Jonathan saw the sonogram pictures and just stared for awhile until it sunk in, then immediately started planning for a new car – Men, lol! Things seemed to be going well until our 24 week appointment, the technician seemed to be taking extra long and when she said that the Neonatologist would be stopping in and that it was routine for all twins we knew something wasn't right. The umbilical cord to Addison was not getting the correct blood flow, instead of one continuous flow, it was stopping on and off. The specialist said 'If you were 30 weeks you'd be heading to the hospital to deliver right now.' But we had two babies to think about and we prepared ourselves for a balancing game of when it would be OK to pull them out in hopes that it would be in time for Addison but far enough for Jacob to stand a chance. A million prayers went up for the twins, thanks to a lot of great people and friends out there, and the waiting game started. Lots of appointments followed and at the 29 week appointment we thought 'prayers answered' - the specialist was happy that Addison was still growing and even thought it may just be how the cord formed and made my next appointment one that didn't need to check so thoroughly. Little did we know that it was really going to start going downhill. At the 31 week appointment that was supposed to be quick turned into a very long scary one. Addison hadn't grown since her 29 week appointment and where there had been absent flow, the blood was now going backward. I was sent for painful in the butt steroid shots to help their lungs mature faster and a non-stress test to see if the babies were coming out that day or if we could wait a week for the steroids to have more of an effect. The stress test looked good so we could wait a week and at 32 weeks 1 day, out came two cute babies by c-section. Our tears flowed along with them as we heard the second cry. Addison was put on oxygen and Jacob was looking well as they whisked them from the room. We started our very long stay at the neonatal intensive care unit, nicu, where I sat staring at the twins for long hours every day. Those on Facebook got a play by play of what went on, more for my sanity than theirs, lol. Within a few days Addison was off all breathing help, she was just a tiny but mighty little girl. Jacob, on the other hand, started struggling to breathe within a few hours after birth. My little man was happy in the womb and his lungs didn't appreciate coming out early. For two days straight things got worse, his poor little chest was going so fast it looked like he had run two miles and they were doing everything they could to help him. Finally his left lung partially collapsed and a chest tube was put in to help. Things got better after that and he slowly improved and later the one nurse admitted that he really gave her a run for her money as they kept him going. Jacob was one week old before I finally got to hold him, what a great feeling! The day I went into the hospital and found the two of them had been moved to the 'well' side of the neonatal intensive care unit was an amazing feeling! After 26 days in the nicu and Jacob was heading home on a few machines! It was a tough day as we had to leave Addison behind because she still wasn't big enough to come too. Four days later when the nurse said that if she reached a certain weight today she could come home the next day I was so happy I almost jumped out of the chair I was sitting in with Addison. The awesome nurses did what they could to stuff her full. When I called and heard she had hit the mark, we were ecstatic! After 31 days in the nicu our whole family would be together, it was such a relief and joy! The twins are now doing great. On September 1, Addison reached 5lbs and Jacob hit 6lbs, it was a day of celebration. Madalyn loves her babies and helping with them, when asked if people can take them home, she firmly says 'No!'. As soon as she comes home from daycare she has to check on them to make sure they are ok, she is the best big sister they could ask for! A big thanks to everyone who said prayers, helped out, sent cards and presents and especially the nurses who cared for the twins and made sure they came home! Our lives will forever be blessed and crazy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Making Spray Lotion

So my sensitive skin pushed me over the edge to go on a hunt for help. I'm too busy typically for lotion, I barely make time to fix my hair lol. When I stumbled upon a link for spray lotion I took the bate!
I ordered the ingredients from amazon and tried it out. So yea it was a bit pricey but so is eczema lotion...
It helped! It is great on kids! Better yet I could make it unscented and spray on faces, bums, you name it! But then I couldn't help but mess with the recipe and find what works best. Here is my the trick is if you want to feel less greasy then less oil :) currently winter is killing my skin but this is helping... No arm red rashes I usually get!! 

The mix:
1.5 tsp vegitable glycerin
1 - 2 tsp almond oil
1 -2 tsp grapeseed oil
2-3 tsp coconut oil
5-10 drops vitamin e
4-8 drops of essential oil
Fill the rest with water (about 1oz)
Shake and go

Step 1: get little 2oz spritz spray bottles from Walmart or anywhere...I like these best cuz I can color coordinate the scents.

Step 2: get your main oils - you can add all or some of what I add:
Coconut oil, low heat - I melt this to use it and then you have to warm the spray on cold days...but my computer runs so hot it keeps it warm at work lol
Almond oil - thicker oil, good for eczema, can give the greasy feel
Grapeseed oil - light oil, silky, but it I do only this one it doesn't help much with eczema
I recommend 1-2 tsp a lot not make every one 2tsp or it'll be very oily)
Step 3: other oils you need - vitamin E and essential oil if you want (I do lavender and vanilla mixed)
Step 4: get vegetable glycerin 
Step 5: have filtered or distilled water - I use my fridge filter water lol

It lasts a few weeks so I make it in small doses and then remake, takes 20 min tops. The pink bottle is how it looks when full and settled.

Note if using essential oils with kids - do your homework first! Not all oils are good for kids!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Our Pregnancy and NICU Journey

It's an interesting thing to look back at Facebook to what you post in the past. This is a trail of our pregnancy with the twins and after in the NICU. I could have sworn I wrote more but I think I was just too stressed to write updates some days. I also found that some of my days were off after all of that. This is one path I hope no one else has to follow again.
Their Overall Stats
  • 23 weeks, 4 days - We found out Addison may not make it due to absent diastolic cord flow
  • 31 weeks, 2 days - We found Addison stopped growing two weeks prior and her cord was starting to flow backward (a very scary thing)
  • 32 weeks, 1 day - We intervened to save Addison and the babies were born
    • Jacob was 3lb 14oz; Addison was 2lb 5.7oz. 
  • 3 Days old - Jacob's lung collapsed after 2 days of being touch and go
  • 7 Days old - Jacob got his chest tube out - I finally got to hold him for a minute
  • 12 Days old - They were both well enough to move to the well side of the NICU
  • 15 Days old - I got to hold the two of them at the same time
  • 24 Days old - Jacob came home on oxygen and a pulse ox machine
  • 29 Days old - Addison came home at around 3.8 lbs and we struggled to keep her weight up
Our Journey

Feb 19th 2011 (10 weeks 4 days)
Madalyn announced that we were having  twins! Due date should have been Sept 12th 

April 19th (19 weeks 1 day)
(notes from appt) -
Baby A is 11oz measuring 19 w 6 days
Baby B is 10 oz measuring 18 w 6 days

April 22nd (19 weeks 4 days)
We got to see two cute little babies today!

May 20th  (23 weeks 4 days) 
Well we had a sono today the little boy is doing well - the little girl could use some prayers that in 2 weeks the blood flow from her placenta gets better

(Notes from appt)
Baby a boy is measuring 23 w 6 days 1pd 6 oz
Baby b girl is measuring 22 w 1 day 1 pd 2 oz
Found out about absent flow in her cord

June 1st (25 weeks 2 days) 
Thanks for all your thoughts! our little boy is still growing right on track. Little girl still has the cord issue but SHE'S GROWING so we are hanging in there as long as possible!! Keep those prayers coming we are 25 weeks and want to get to at least 32!!

(Notes from appt)
Boy is measuring 25 w 6 days and 1 lb 12 oz
Girl is measuring 24 w 2 days and 1 lb 8 oz 

June 12th (26 weeks 6 days)
2 cribs, 2 dressers – getting very close to being ready!

June 15th (27 weeks 2 days)
Jonathan called baby boy a 'hog' today because he's taking up all the room in the tummy but he is doing well and growing on track. little girl is balled up in my ribs still growing, still small, still cord issues. the doc said we're hoping for at least 32 weeks - back in another 2 weeks.

(Notes from appt)
June 15 at 27 weeks 2 days
Boy is 2 pd 6 oz measuring 27 4 days
Girl is 1 pd 13 oz measuring 26 weeks 

June 29th (29 weeks 2 days)
 (notes from an appt)
Male breach right 3 lb 3oz
Female fundal trans 2lb 7oz
she had 1 week different for bones & head is few days different
bones are normal range 
Blood flow good
Comment on girl breathing and moving well

July 4th (30 weeks)
I reached 30 weeks!!!! Wooo hooo!!!

July 13th (31 weeks 2 days)
Bad news today
Her cord flow is starting to go backward,
She didn't grow in two weeks
So today I head to the hospital and get non stress tests and a steroid shots
So if the test is ok at hospital I have 3 appts next week
If tests bad the babies will be here in 48 hours
If she is still not growing well see them Monday or so

(Notes from appt) 
31 weeks 2 days July 13
A measuring 31 weeks 5 days
3 lbs 11 
B measuring 28 weeks 3 days 
2 lb 9 oz

July 14th (31 weeks 3 days)
Ok so it all sunk in late last night! The twins will be so tiny only 2.8 and 3.11. Sigh..

July 18th(32 weeks 1 day)
Babies Today!

Twins born at 5:40pm and 5:41pm both crying!

July 19th (1 day old)
Long day so far – Jacob is now on more oxygen and had to have steroids and a billi blanket. Addison is under billi light and had to have sodium. Hopefully this turns back around in another day. Poor Jacob looks miserable.

July 20  (2 days old)  
Jonathan got to see Jacob wire free - he looks just like his daddy! He's still fighting and Addison is just feisty! Heading down there soon

Ok last update of the night: Addison is off of all air and only has billi issues - she is getting a little milk. Jacob is having all kinds of issues from breathing to infection now. Any stimuli is causing his o2 to drop so it's been a hard day for him. Hopefully the antibiotics kick in and he feels better tomorrow. Gnight

July 21st  (3 days old)
Chest tube for Jacob - part of his lung is collapsed

July 22nd (4 days old)
Twin update: Addison off all air, her jaundice is holding steady. She's starting to eat a little more too and I get to hold her every day.
Jacob is holding steady and as long as we don't disrupt him much his o2 doesn't drop much. Since he has days of drugs yet they are putting in a more central iv line he is also now in a corvette isolate

July 23rd(5 days old) 
JACOB IS ON ROOM AIR!!! (a really good thing!!)

July 24th (6 days old) 
It was a good day! The twins did very well and Addison got to hang with both me and Jonathan! She even tried breast feeding! Jacob may finally get to come out and play on Tuesday! Hopefully things keep going well so he can!

July 25th (7 days old) 
Addison is getting her iv out today! Her feedings are high enough. Jacob gets his chest tube out today! Addison will be down to I thin 1 wire! Jacob is slowly getting there

I HELD JACOB!!!!! For a min but it was a great minute!

July 26th (8 days old)
Good day today Jacob got his other big tube out do I could hold him today! What did he do - pooped all over me! Well I guess it was my fault cuz I put the diaper on too loose. Then addison peed all over her bed when I went to change her! I'll get the mom of the year award in no time!

July 27th (9 days old)
ok update time - Jake first -. Jacob is now 4lb! he's pretty wireless now(ha like a laptop!) and we are working on trying to breastfeed him but every time he tries he gets milk in his mouth and forgets to breathe - pretty scary but it's typical in preemies so we'll keep at it, as frightened as he makes his mommy. i've gotten to hold him two days now.

Addison is doing great as per usual, she's eating like a champ and gets crabby at times so mommy has to hang with her - every time i walk away she cries, lol - maddie does the same thing lately ha ha. She hasn't gained much in two days so she is still only 2.6lbs. They both have lower blood sugars today so they are checking it again.

July 29th (11 days old)
Did a little too much today and man do I hurt! Babies doing well! Addie's sugar keeps going low but she finally gained a little today! Jake is still trying bfing and took a bit of a bottle tonight! He lost a little today but not to worry he'll fain it back I'm sure!

Ok I know everyone wants an update lol - Addison is doing great her sugar is staying up and she's a champ at breastfeeding! Jacob is also doing great a little sleep apnea(no idea the spelling) and he's not got the hang of breastfeeding!

July 30th (12 days old)
 They are on the well side of the nicu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one last update for the night - Addison finally had a good gain - she is now 2lbs 8.5oz! yea yea i know she's still tiny! Jacob only gained 10 grams tonight and is 4lb 1.8oz. what a great day!

August 1 (14 days old)
Happy 2 week birthday Addie and Jake! They are slowly getting there

August 2nd (15 days old)
alright I know I haven't updated much lately, so here are the updates:
Jacob is doing better with the bottle than breastfeeding but he'll get there - and hey whatever works at the moment! He is now 4lb 3.6oz - he decided to take after his sister and not gain too much

I got to hold the twins together today

August 4th (17 days old)
Addie is dong well and gaining well and she can eat as much as she wants now - it'll still be a bit till she is up to where she can hold her body heat. Jake is doing ok, his O2 drops when he's eating so they put him on oxygen while he eats. after his bath yesterday I got him out to feed him and everything dropped (O2, heart rate) it was pretty scary. the nurse thinks he overexerted himself crying during the bath.

August 7th (20 days old)
 The twins are 35 weeks (gestational) today! This means they can now come home whenever they are ready! And they are talking about jakes car seat check!

Addison hit 3lbs!!!! WOO HOO

Gram Becker got to hold Addison.

August 8th (21 days old)
Jacob is in and open crib.

Bad news - another few days past wed before jacob comes home (the doc wants to try him without oxygen during feedings for a few days firs)

August 9th (22 days old)
Jacob comes home Thursday

August 10th (23 days old)
Jacob doing his car seat test at the hospital and then off to the guest room to spend the night with mommy and daddy

August 11th (24 days old)
Jacob is in the car on his way home!!!!

Addison is 1523 grams - around 175 to go before she can be home bound. That is 3lb 5oz currently

August 12th (25 days old)
Twin update - Addison is 1571 grams! Or 3 lb 7 oz! Hopefully she'll keep going at this pace! Jacob is doing well at home! Both had an eye appt today in Altoona and their eyes are great!

August 14th (26 days old)
Addison gained 51 grams! She's 1651 - getting closer to 1700!!

August 15th (27 days old)
Addison was 5 grams short of getting in the crib - but she may be home by the end of the week, fingers crossed

Addison is starting to get some chubby cheeks

August 16th  (28 days old)
Guess who might be home tomorrow - she has to be 1750 grams and she is 1733 now - come on addison you can do it!!!

August 17th (29 days old)
Addison is home!

What a ride - We spent many days after both were home fighting to keep Addison's weight up, Jacob was on oxygen for a few months after and a constant pulse ox machine.
If you've read this far - let me just say - thank you checking out their journey, we are really blessed in the many things could have gone wrong.

We march for Babies every year, so your posts can be much lighter, more excited, and much less dramatic than our twins start. March with us or help out a cause whose goal is to help keep babies inside if they can and help research and medicines and much more in hopes that others won't go through such heartache at such happy times